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Author: Nomic and SmarterX

Customer Spotlight

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“Time-To-Nomic” is the new measure of productivity at SmarterX

"Nomic Atlas was able to improve SmarterX’s productivity by 92%, reducing what once required a 90-day time crunch to a single week's workflow."

About SmarterX

SmarterX provides companies with deeper product intelligence to help make, market, and move consumer products better. The SmarterX platform plugs in across the value chain supporting suppliers, brands, and retailers to utilize the full stack of consumer product data in a way that drives better business process decisions. Whether regulatory, compliance, or customer engagement data—SmarterX’s platform ensures that all data-driven decisions are maximally profitable while reducing their client’s overall business exposure. Their end users engage with their platform through a customer portal, in the field using IoT devices, or through the SmarterX API and analytics interface. Since SmarterX’s start in 2015, they have helped hundreds of companies generate net new revenue through new sales channel identification, and save money by identifying ways to reduce the number of returns.

"Now at SmarterX, every data source, data catalog, and data investigation begins and ends with a Nomic map. Nomic Atlas reduced SmarterX’s infrastructure costs by over $100,000 and enabled them to close one of their largest Fortune 500 customers."

What was your workflow, in detail, before using Nomic Atlas?

Before Nomic Atlas, we had to work through data on a record-by-record basis and then use statistical sampling to make sense of our work. This often led to biases and confused assumptions on business outcomes. In the process, we had patched together a pipeline of various systems such as ElasticSearch, Google Cloud, and cloud data lakes to augment our data process and data management systems. However, with our previous workflow, there were a few core challenges:

  1. This process itself came with a ton of painful bespoke code and prompt engineering to get it going. It took dozens of hours weekly to upkeep the process.
  2. We didn’t have full visibility into our catalog and 1000+ classifier outputs. Without this type of visualization, most of our investigative analytics would take place at the individual record level or "what can fit in an Excel sheet," leaving thousands of insights overlooked.
  3. We were only able to model on a small subset of data and fields, leaving gaps across our datasets.
  4. Collaboration with non-technical team members wasn't possible—inviting subject matter stakeholders into the analysis to review large datasets was quite painful.
  5. Understanding our embedding space wasn’t yet possible, leaving no way to capture the relationships between words and objects or capture the semantical values of data altogether.

Why use embeddings across every aspect of SmarterX?

The only way to inspect, understand, and reason with a dataset as a whole—whether as humans or with advanced systems—is through large-scale embeddings. Embeddings are a particularly useful component of LLMs and any classifier that helps make sense of unstructured data modalities and their relationships. Embedding maps represent the evolution of the pivot table as AI influences how we ingest complex content and output insights.

This is especially true if you have an open-ended dataset with shifting fields, an insurmountable number of records, and ever-changing requirements. Consultancies and analytics firms are good examples of companies that face this particular issue on a daily basis. When dealing with this use case, the only assurance is to understand the embedding space. Nomic Atlas is fundamentally built around that concept. With Nomic maps, your fields and records can grow without bounds, adapting itself to the mold of each particular output needed.

How has Nomic Atlas changed the way you work with your customers?

Nomic Atlas has completely changed the way customers interact with us. The Nomic Atlas UI is prominently featured in all sales, engineering, and investor presentations. This is because users get Nomic Atlas—our customers understand and are moved by seeing all of their data in one exposed view and appreciate the ability to interact with it.

We transitioned to unlimited enterprise seats to give our full team access to the Nomic Atlas experience. Now, internal users and customers can collaborate maximally around Nomic maps.

What metrics have Nomic Atlas enhanced for SmarterX?

Workflow time reduced from 12 weeks to 1 week with Nomic Atlas

Higher Productivity & Capacity

At SmarterX, we created an internal measure called "Time-To-Nomic," which relates to how fast we can build a map, interact with the data, and reason with the dataset as a whole. The closer we can get that number to 0 seconds, the higher  "Time-To-Nomic” or productivity we have.

We believe that Nomic maps are so powerful at modeling success that we use Nomic Atlas as the basis for how we think about decisions internally. Reducing the “Time-To-Nomic” to as short as possible reduces the modeling time by months. What used to take us 90 days now takes a week. We also believe that Nomic Atlas has opened doors for non-technical subject matter experts to become part of the conversation around data-driven insights. Nomic Atlas flat out gave a non-technical team the technical superpowers that would have taken at least a year to acquire otherwise.

SmarterX Saved Annually

Cost Saving: Reduces Infrastructure Costs on Prolific Stacking

Nomic Atlas has saved us at least $100K annually by reducing the need for siloed stacking of vector stores, visualizations, or specialized software. Now, we can just use the Nomic Atlas license and hit the ground running.

Deals closed in under 3 months with Nomic

Revenue Generating & Enhanced Customer Experience

Nomic Atlas has already helped our top line by ~5% over the past 3 months. When we show a Nomic map to our customers, they can instantly understand the value SmarterX brings. Nomic Atlas has reduced our sales funnel process by helping us close customers quicker and create a land and expand effect. In a recent deal that we closed with another Fortune 500 company, the scope of work for this deal wouldn’t have been possible without Nomic Atlas. Nomic Atlas played a critical role in this process and was integral in getting this customer to understand the usage of our platform, trust the results of the platform, and integrate insights from the platform directly into their business decisions.


In today's fast-paced business landscape, having access to actionable insights and data-driven decisions can be the difference between success and stagnation. At SmarterX, we've experienced firsthand the transformative power of Nomic Atlas in revolutionizing our workflow, productivity, and customer experience. By leveraging embeddings across every aspect of our platform, we've been able to reduce infrastructure costs by over $100,000 annually, enhance customer engagement by ~5%, and close deals with Fortune 500 companies that would have otherwise been impossible without it.

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“Henceforth, it is the map that precedes the territory” – Jean Baudrillard